Download Normal For Me Learning to Love and Accept Life Detours with God Help eBook Tamara K Anderson
NORMAL FOR ME tells the story about the author hitting rock bottom when she received the diagnosis that her second oldest son was on the autism spectrum. One evening she fell to her knees asking God, “Why can’t we be a ‘normal’ family?” God whispered, “This IS normal for you.” This epiphany began her journey from anguish and grief to acceptance, peace, hope, and joy. This book is ideal for not only families struggling with autism but anyone who has had to face a life detour or help someone along the way.
Download Normal For Me Learning to Love and Accept Life Detours with God Help eBook Tamara K Anderson
"This book was very well written. I lived near Tamara a few years ago when she was in Texas and we went to the same church. She seemed to have it all together even though she had two challenging children on the autism spectrum. It was amazing to read her thoughts and her struggles. I especially liked how honest and vulnerable she was as she recounted the struggles she went though as her boys were diagnosed and she learned how to parent them. I found things I could apply to my life even though I do not have children with autism and was very inspired by her writing. Very well written, great read!"
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Tags : Buy Normal For Me Learning to Love and Accept Life's Detours with God's Help Read 10 Reviews - ,ebook,Tamara K. Anderson,Normal For Me Learning to Love and Accept Life's Detours with God's Help,Daily Hope Publishing,Family Relationships / Autism Spectrum Disorders,Family Relationships / Children with Special Needs
Normal For Me Learning to Love and Accept Life Detours with God Help eBook Tamara K Anderson Reviews :
Normal For Me Learning to Love and Accept Life Detours with God Help eBook Tamara K Anderson Reviews
- What parent doesn't wonder if there kids are normal or worry that particular behaviors and habits are going to destroy their lives? Some of my kids won't eat specific foods. Another freezes when faced with simple decisions. Another has delayed speech and learning. It's easy to think families with super smart obedient kids are the norm. This book helps put into perspective that there is not a norm and we all have struggles. It also shares how the authors family has overcome or coped with the struggles. Very applicable no matter where your family is on the "normal" spectrum.
- This book was very well written. I lived near Tamara a few years ago when she was in Texas and we went to the same church. She seemed to have it all together even though she had two challenging children on the autism spectrum. It was amazing to read her thoughts and her struggles. I especially liked how honest and vulnerable she was as she recounted the struggles she went though as her boys were diagnosed and she learned how to parent them. I found things I could apply to my life even though I do not have children with autism and was very inspired by her writing. Very well written, great read!
- Nice to see something written where the author admits to not being perfect in all they feel and do when a life trial happens. We all have hopes and dreams, and then get a life curve balls thrown at us. We all probably have our own horror stories of how we handled them. So thankful for the open insight to their struggles and what they learned along the way. Certainly a when life gives you lemons story! Something we all can learn from this no matter what we may be dealing with in our path!
- I loved the book and couldn’t stop reading it. Thanks, Tamara, for being so open with your deepest feelings, heartache and discouragement and how you got through and thrived. What a great guide for the rest of us still trying to figure this out. I know God is there and that He loves us. I value the survival guide. So helpful.
- As a parent of an adult son with autism, I was touched by Tamera Anderson’s book, Normal for Me. In this book, Tamera, a mother of four, writes of the struggle of raising two sons with autism, while trying to balance her busy life as a wife, mother and active member of her community. She includes exerts from her journals, and sometimes her husband, Justin, adds insight into what he was going through at the time. Throughout the book, Tamera shares how her faith in God helped carry her through her darkest days, and helped her grow spiritually, while going through the ups and downs of raising sons with autism. She shares what she learned along the way, and offers steps parents can take to make this journey easier. I believe this book can offer encouragement to parents of children with special needs and help them navigate through the “new normal†for their lives.
Doris Dill, Georgia - I think I needed to read this story. I don’t have children on the spectrum so I don’t think I would have thought I needed to read it. But let me be clear. I needed to read this book. It reached me in such a fundamental way. I think that is why I cried so much while reading it. Tamara’s revelations on coveting basically punched me in the face. I didn’t realize I had been so upset lately because of my covetous reactions to those close to me. I feel as if I have been purged of those negative emotions. I am so happy that this book fell into my inbox when it did!
- Though this book is a major blessing to those who are affected by Autism, so many other people will benefit from reading this book.
Tamara has put out a book that teaches a huge truth on the cover of the book... understanding that your life is Normal for you is such a blessing and that shift in mindset enables you to handle tough situations with hope, love, and joy.
I was blessed to contribute a little bit to write this book, and it was amazing to look back on the challenges and struggles and then remember the amazing miracles and blessings God gave us. Tamara is amazing and her authenticity and care will come through as you read. - “This book will resonate with more people than those who face disability challenges in their family. Tamara shares that we are not alone on this planet. There are others fighting the same or equally challenging things in their lives. I especially enjoyed Tamara’s real candor, insight, encouragement, prayers throughout the book, and the fact that she got mad! I needed to read that. I particularly related to the night she prayed for angels. I also enjoyed Justin’s supportive perspective from a father’s point of view. This book is NORMAL FOR ME!â€